International Day of Conscience
From left, H.E. Mr. Mohammed Saleh Ali Rashid Al Gheilani, Head of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Gulf Cooperation Council to the UN (Vienna); H.E. Dr. Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri, Ambassador of Bahrain to the UN (Vienna); Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of FOWPAL; His Lordship Bishop Camillo Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia; H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Assaf, Ambassador of Lebanon to the UN (Vienna) and H.E. Mr. Mohamed Samir Koubaa, Head of the Permanent Observer Mission for the League of Arab States to the UN (Vienna), pose with a poster written Promoting the Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience” in Vienna, Austria, Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019. (Ronald Zak/AP Images for Federation of World Peace and Love)
The 5th of April of each year has a completely new meaning in the future. It will be proclaimed International Day of Conscience.
This year’s “World Leader Summit of Love and Peace” took place at the Grand Hotel Vienna on 10 October 2019. Leading personalities from 22 nations were represented. This Summit was organized by the Permanent Mission of Bahrain to the United Nations (Vienna), represented by H.E. Dr. Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri, the Flame of Peace – founder Herta Margarete Habsburg-Lothringen and the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) – President Dr. Hong Tao-Tze.
International history is written here in the legendary Grand Hotel in Vienna. UN (United Nations) ambassadors, presidents and heads of NGOs and business leaders meet and exchange views on peace, humanity, equality and environmental protection.
Through the promotion and recognition of this International Day, humanity will be inspired to rediscover conscience for the world, peace, humanity and the planet.
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze and the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) and the permanent mission of Bahrain at the United Nations initiated this special day.
During the Summit, H.E. Dr. Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri, Permanent Representative of Bahrain to the United Nations (Vienna), expressed his pleasure to host the Conference together with FOWPAL and the Flame of Peace. He said: “I would like to thank Dr. Hong and the global members of FOWPAL with love and conscience for their commitment, their resilience and their tireless efforts to promote the culture of peace“.

Dr. Hong, President of FOWPAL, stressed: “Each of us here today is a leader of conscience with great influences. We hope that after the exchange of ideas and experiences we will jointly promote the International Day of Conscience in our respective nations and positions. We can organize educational programs on love, peace and conscience and promote peace talks and worldwide ceasefires. Through our joint efforts, we will create a culture of conscience that benefits all of humanity. It will enable present and future generations to enjoy a future of peace, harmony and sustainability.”
Several speakers exchanged their thoughts on conscience.

Bishop Camillo Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia, stressed: “The conditions for peace are manifold. From primary school onwards, children must be educated to listen to the inner voice that leads them to moral righteousness.”

Bernd Wenske – Goodwill Botschafter Wien | Astrid Arens – Präsidentin der Voice Aid Association e.V., Los Angeles |
Bernd Wenske, Goodwill Ambassador of Voice Aid, came together with Astrid Arens, Chairwoman of the Voice Aid Association e.V., to support this new idea.
Bernd Wenske said in his remarks: “We, our political leaders and the leading companies should start working together and stop competing.” He stressed: “It is difficult to solve global problems without international cooperation. Spread good thoughts every day so that people get infected until positive thoughts are everywhere.“
In dialogue with some UN ambassadors and NGO leaders, Astrid Arens said: “Through music and peace concerts & events, we want to transport these messages around the world. Music is a universal language that connects people in their hearts. It serves international understanding and better communication. The Voice Aid Association sees its special task there when it comes to topics such as world peace, humanity and the protection of the planet.“

Astrid Arens, Queen Dambia Kabatusuila, Rathor DDr. Afsar, Sherri Tyler, R.O. Schabbach | Dr. Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri, Permanent Representative of Bahrain to the UN (Vienna) |
Prince Bernhard Ndouga from Cameroon, Queen Diambi Kabatusuila from the Congo and Ion Lazarenco inspired the audience with their commitment to love and peace. The German Light Artist R.O. Schabbach and his wife Sherri Tyler support it with Love & Light for World Peace.

Other influential personalities who participated in the event were: H.E. Ibrahim Assaf, Ambassador of Lebanon to the United Nations (Vienna); H.E. Mohammed Saleh Ali Rashid Al Gheilani, Head of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to the United Nations in Vienna; H. E. Ibrahim Assaf, Ambassador of Lebanon to the United Nations (Vienna); H. E. Mohammed Saleh Ali Rashid Al Gheilani, Head of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to the United Nations in Vienna; H. E.E. Mr Mirghani Abbaker Altayeb Bakhet, Ambassador of Sudan to the United Nations (Vienna), Mr Gagandeep Singh, Founder of Investment Ninja, Mr Hans-Werner Kummerow, Managing Director of SBI Sons of Bavaria Investment AG, S.E. Mr. Mohamed Samir Koubaa, Head of the Permanent Observer Mission of the League of Arab States to the United Nations (Vienna); H.E. Mr. Omar Amer Youssef, Ambassador of Egypt to the United Nations (Vienna); H.E. Mr. Baker Fattah Hussen, Ambassador of Iraq to Austria; H.E.Ms. Leena Al-Hadid, Ambassador of Jordan to the United Nations (Vienna), H.E. Mr. Haytham Adbulmomen Shoja’aadin, Ambassador of Yemen to the United Nations (Vienna), H.E. Mr. Ondrej Gavalec, Deputy Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the United Nations (Vienna), and Mr. Nor Dine Sadouk, Chargé d’Affaires, Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations (Vienna).
FOWPAL hopes that all peacebuilders will work together and encourage people in all parts of the world to celebrate the first International Day of Conscience on 5 April 2020 together!
This article is a joint project of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) – President Dr. Hong Tao-Tze and the Voice Aid Association e.V. – Chairwoman Astrid Arens & Goodwill Ambassador Bernd Wenske.
We Are One – for the sake of mankind and the planet